Contraception in Islam: ‘Azl – The lesser known Approved Sunnah
December 3, 2018
Preference to Sons over Daughters – From a Desire to a Nightmare
December 6, 2018Though much is said and much is done to abolish the custom of dowry, sadly it is a practice that still exists today.
Let’s imagine the effects of a dowry-free society:
- Fathers of grown-up daughters would be more stress-free and wouldn’t have as many stress-related disorders.
- Girls would be more confident and guilt-free for not being a burden on their parents.
- Women would have more respect for their husbands.
- Men would have a lot more self-respect.
- Less violence against women.
- A decrease in the number of women killings and suicides.
- A realisation of women as human beings and not property.
- Less trauma, leading to a productive life.
- Establishment of a happy marital household.
- Girls getting married at their appropriate ages.
- Less number of abortions (for fear of girl child).
- Fewer sins because of interest-based loans.
- Reduced wastage of money on unnecessary extravagance.
- Men realising and undertaking their responsibilities on their own.
- Increase in the quality of education of the girl child.
- Increase in the quality of upbringing of the girl child.
Change starts from you and me… the choice is yours.
– — Umm Zain