Sincerity towards Spouse
March 29, 2019
سلف الصالحین کی دعا
February 23, 2020“In order for a mother to look after herself and her home she needs to be healthy as well as keep her baby healthy.”
When my khala advised me thus, only then did I look around myself and notice that a mother cannot focus on her kids and home if she herself is unwell because as a result, everything will get affected including the mother’s health. Let’s find the solution to this problem in the light of the Holy Quran. ALLAH (swt), who is the creator of this entire universe, assigned duties to man and woman, regarding who is responsible for what.
The Prophet PBUH and his wives and daughters, being the role models for this Ummah, showed us how we are required to obey ALLAH’s orders.
Today despite our nature, we are involved in many other serious problems, one of which is that a woman is required to fulfil both household and other responsibilities which are taken on by herself, even which the Quran has exempted us from. That is the reason that today, a woman is suffering from health issues above all.
Nowadays, the youth is suffering from illnesses like body aches, pain in bones and joints etc. which are a result of not taking a nutritious & healthy diet which is leading to early puberty and other problems.
We need to focus on both our physical and spiritual health.
Our life is dependent on both the body and the soul. Without our soul, our body is like an empty vessel; so things can get better only if our soul is satisfied, calm and healthy and the way to make our soul calm is mentioned in the everlasting Book.
This verse, although it is addressing Muslims but anyone who says Labbaik, is welcomed.
Surah Anfaal Verse 24:
“O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and His Messenger when he (SAW) calls you to that which will give you life, and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart (i.e. He prevents an evil person to decide anything). And indeed to Him you shall (all) be gathered.”
The outcome of this verse is that our physical and spiritual lives are dependent on how we say labbaik on Allah’s and the Prophet’s (PBUH) call.
Apparently, today’s women and girls are working as machines but in reality they have become sehel pasand. We can only work positively in this society by providing a healthy diet to our bodies and souls.
May Allah give us the righteous understanding
Written by: Bushra
Translated by: Hira